I got my Spanish keyboard

Spanish (Traditional Sort)

I typed that just to remember it. The PC came with a regular English keyboard. At first I didn’t bother the lack of ñ or tilde, I have memorized their locations so I could type easily.But the brackets, equals, colons, and all the punctuation, for some reason I have to watch the keyboard to find them. I was even eager to learn to code with an English keyboard. The problem is that in my job I use a Spanish keyboard. So, after 8 hours of coding in my job, it was a nightmare to return to home and try to code with an English keyboard. I really tried.

So today I asked my boss, “do you have a Spanish keyboard to spare?”

Well, he gave me one. Then it was the issue to know what Spanish keyboard he was giving me. I used to remember this stuff first hand, Traditional Sort, International Sort, but not at that moment.

Anyway, traditional sort was just the one I used in Ecuador, and luckily this keyboard has the same layout. It has two slight modifications, a half sized Backspace key, and the right bracket key is up there taking that space. Once I get used to that, I expect to start some serious coding.

Spanish Traditional Sort