Play Bass Abyss
Download Level Editor
So, I’m back from my vacations just to find problems with the server. Valk and I have worked during this week to solve some of them and finally I was able to do this update.
I know it’s been a while since I released a Bass Abyss update, but the first months of this year I was busy with something else, so I can’t really say this update is the result of those months of work, just a regular update that I put together during March. This update may look big nonetheless, but remember, I had vacations and more time to focus.
Custom Levels
Now you’re able to load Custom Levels. What are they? These are levels designed by anyone with the Bass Abyss level editor. Levels or maps are just text files that you can open with Notepad.
Here’s a sample of a quite challenging level. Perhaps.
How do you play it? Just open the file, select all the text and copy it. At the Bass Abyss main menu there’s a new entry called Custom Level. Enter there, paste the text in the provided text input and press play. It’s that simple.
Where can you get more levels? Well, you can actually design your own levels.
Level Editor
Skip my ramble and get the editor NOW.
I didn’t plan to release the level editor this early, but as we get closer to version 1.0, I thought it would be a good idea to let users play with it before the final version of Bass Abyss is released. Currently the game is very stable, so at this point it’s very unlikely that any change I make will make your levels unusable.
Unfortunately the level editor is not a stand alone application. You need Flash 8 to use it, and by Flash 8 I mean the authoring tool, not just the player. There’s no way I’d have the time to code and support such a beast. So, as my level editor was just a fla file, I always considered to release it if I managed to make it usable for anyone with no coding knowledge. I hope you find it friendly enough and if you have any suggestion just let me know. Also let me try your levels, I might create a special section for them in the future.
Bass Abyss 0.9.9
So, what’s new in the main game?
– Revamped pause menu.
– Added the option to set the volume of music and sound effects.
– 2 new levels.
– The saved states of both Normal and Turbo version are now unified. Feel free to switch between versions. Your saved progress will be read for both.
– Many, many little bug fixes.
Yes, I know that currently the HTML scores are down. Don’t worry, the scores are safe, you can still check them by the game’s interface, it’s just a presentation problem, I suppose. I’ll try to figure out what’s going on with them before I take any other decision. I’m back and I need to settle a lot of stuff.
Have fun!