Last comments |

Occupation05/09/05 at 12:22Vegemoon: o_o nice...

Necro MMZ style concept05/09/05 at 09:56Tomboy: I WANNA SEE! I WANNA SEE!

Necro MMZ style concept05/09/05 at 09:40dmjh93: Necro looks like a samuri in this pic. Is this goi...

Art by Carlos Anglas05/09/05 at 05:48Tomboy: O_o' Still looks cool... *Hahaha... you wish Metal...

Art by Enker05/09/05 at 05:46Tomboy: Dude! That is cool! =D ^^P

Art by Enker05/08/05 at 14:50Chadling: Ooooh!! I love your Webcomic!! ^.^ <3 This is a...

Art by Z. King05/08/05 at 14:47Chadling: Awww!! That's so adorable!!! X3 You rule!!!! <3...

05/07/05 at 20:20Tomboy: Hey! It's moron! *I like calling him that name!* ^...

Art by Silhouette05/07/05 at 12:31Tomboy: OMG! *faints*

Axl for RoboNyanya05/07/05 at 12:29Tomboy: Me too... *barfs on Necro's cape* Necro: HEY!
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