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Camino al andar11/14/05 at 02:42Legion: Whoa. Each time I look at that it... Ermn, I don't...

10/19/05 at 07:36Atr0n1c 126:'s not a he......... 

10/11/05 at 06:45Legion: o.o Build-it-yourself-assasin? Cool. XD IRA are yo...

09/25/05 at 10:51Izelion: But you cant c her curvine-I mean...niiiiiiiiice

Xmas 2004 - Falcon09/25/05 at 10:50Izelion: Hes like INCREDIBLE SHAING!!!Anyways .....E...

Sigamos adelante.09/25/05 at 10:48Izelion: I LIKE NEKO CHIX!!!YAYYYYYYY!HAPPY NEW YEAR EVEN T...

09/25/05 at 10:47Izelion: Who is he o.o

Balandra Xmas09/25/05 at 10:47Izelion: dude...she looks kinda odd but its fine.You still ...

09/25/05 at 10:45Izelion: Yay....Near my kinda Merry Christmas lol

09/25/05 at 10:45Izelion: Nah Nah.....He killed a smurf and ate him..See hes...

09/23/05 at 03:33Odda C.: It was a joke IRA. Laugh.

09/23/05 at 03:32Odda C.: Pre-title screen banner anyone? 

08/12/05 at 22:22Tetsumaru: i dont think he's too happy about that

Camino al andar08/12/05 at 22:18Tetsumaru: it kinda looks like shes coming out of a trance, o...

08/03/05 at 18:06Atr0n1c 126: Darth Vader::: Padme, I am your Babies Daddy !
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