Last comments - Gift Artwork |

Aurora and Skiver08/15/05 at 07:51Kaitlin: Aaaaaaw ^_^ really cute pic.

Aurora and Skiver08/10/05 at 21:25Hikari-hakase: Ahh. A very sweet pic. Mach might keel Skiver when...

Aurora and Skiver08/10/05 at 06:01IRA: Glithcer: I like to use darker colors to bring som...

Aurora and Skiver08/09/05 at 19:34Duke Marko: Beautiful pic, two lovebirds...

Aurora and Skiver08/08/05 at 12:25Glitcher: Or maybe "Wind Beneath My Wings"? :p BTW...

Aurora and Skiver08/07/05 at 09:32Cut_Man: Appropriate BGM: I Believe I Can Flyyyyy!

Aurora and Skiver08/05/05 at 13:23Jaguar2X: Good work as always IRA, my goal is to be semi tha...

Aurora and Skiver08/05/05 at 04:26IRA: I was going to draw one of those little pink ovals...

Aurora and Skiver08/04/05 at 21:37Yin Lung Huang: Sh-weet! Glitch was very happy, you know.

Aurora and Skiver08/04/05 at 18:30Katrover Swatroad: Awwwww.............romance in the night sky.

Aurora and Skiver08/04/05 at 13:01Omega X: holy crud that looks good

Aurora and Skiver08/04/05 at 11:30Vegemoon: ;___; so shiny and pretty and romantic! ^.^

Aurora and Skiver08/04/05 at 10:16Kyle_the_Dark: Hes not angry. Thats just how he always looks, eve...

Aurora and Skiver08/04/05 at 10:02ALLU_x: hmm.... Wery cute looking pic i think. But why ski...

Aurora and Skiver08/04/05 at 10:00Shin-Metzen: The Flying Donkey with a Kitty? Weird pairin...
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