Last comments - Color Works |

Axl banner08/17/05 at 13:31dmjh93: LIAR! I should be famous right now! 

Axl Cinammon Palette08/16/05 at 00:37Tetsumaru: Axl: And thats why im better than X and Zero 

Axl Cinammon Palette08/14/05 at 08:53Odda C.: Cute. Yep. 

Axl Cinammon Palette08/14/05 at 03:10jhr cronos: I like Pallete. And Cinnamont. Vote for the double...

Axl Cinammon Palette08/13/05 at 04:50ALLU_x: wow! axl is wery lucky

Axl Cinammon Palette08/13/05 at 04:08Edda Robo E XO!: Well Axl could always Double Date...

X08/12/05 at 22:44Tetsumaru: X: I sense a disturbance in the force!

Axl Cinammon Palette08/12/05 at 10:03Jaguar2X: Man and here I thought I was the only one who'd th...

Axl Cinammon Palette08/11/05 at 22:33CCurio: Hehe, cute pic. 

Axl Cinammon Palette08/11/05 at 21:26CriminalNerd: Aww....That is so cute! XD

Axl Cinammon Palette08/11/05 at 18:31prjct.WAR: They look so cute! But I like Cinammon/Axl pairing...

Hard Man08/11/05 at 08:57DisgruntledFerret: Ah, Hard Man. The robot cement mixer. That or a ro...

Isoc08/11/05 at 08:24ZER0: Indeed many liek myself do think Isoc as Wily

X and Alia08/07/05 at 11:03CCurio: Somebody is going get angry but they look like a m...

Lumine08/07/05 at 11:00CCurio: Looks awesome to say the least. Amazing work.
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