I was working on some other illustration, but I noticed [url=]Nana[/url] was announced for [b]Rockman X DiVE[/b] and I decided to take a look at some sketches I did when [b]Mega Man X Command Mission[/b] was announced many years ago.

Out of curiosity, I set out to redraw and paint over this one, and this is the result. It was a fun experiment.

Mega Man X (C) CAPCOM.
Keywords: nana


I was working on some other illustration, but I noticed Nana was announced for Rockman X DiVE and I decided to take a look at some sketches I did when Mega Man X Command Mission was announced many years ago.

Out of curiosity, I set out to redraw and paint over this one, and this is the result. It was a fun experiment.

Mega Man X (C) CAPCOM.
rockman-x-dive-iris-summer-swimsuit-sketch-02.jpg nana-redraw-colored.jpg iris-college-swimsuit-inked-sketches.jpg swimsuit-tron-treasure-hunter.jpg rico-celebration-sketch.jpg
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