My partners at my job are unaware of the obscurest details of the internet lingo, so in order to help them to enjoy video game blogs at their fullest, I had to give them a crash course of internet culture that included n00btalk, cats, and image macros. I’m here to share my hard earned knowledge, right?

I know my hiatus has lasted too long when I start to draw stuff like this.

I was told it’s a cute cat nonetheless.

No scanner atm, sorry.
Keywords: cat panama


My partners at my job are unaware of the obscurest details of the internet lingo, so in order to help them to enjoy video game blogs at their fullest, I had to give them a crash course of internet culture that included n00btalk, cats, and image macros. I’m here to share my hard earned knowledge, right?

I know my hiatus has lasted too long when I start to draw stuff like this.

I was told it’s a cute cat nonetheless.

No scanner atm, sorry.
deliaFalconsk02.jpg deliask02.jpg lolcats.jpg deliask.jpg bridal-june-alia-layer-pallette.jpg
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