Setup 2
This is my other desk. I didn’t get it until my 10th or 11th week here. I dare to say, I didn’t draw anything in a full sheet of paper in at least two moths. I’m trying to recover of the lost of practice.

I made an agreement about this desk with myself. To never put anything on it that isn’t art related. Sometimes I find myself placing keys or my wallet on it after I return from my job, just to quickly move them to my pc desk. That’s why my pc looks so messy. I think this has helped me. In Ecuador my desk used to be filled with books and folders, sometimes without a single corner to place a sheet of paper. I had to be very motivated to move everything  just to draw. I can’t afford that here, I return very late and sleepy.

Keywords: panama setup

Setup 2

This is my other desk. I didn’t get it until my 10th or 11th week here. I dare to say, I didn’t draw anything in a full sheet of paper in at least two moths. I’m trying to recover of the lost of practice.

I made an agreement about this desk with myself. To never put anything on it that isn’t art related. Sometimes I find myself placing keys or my wallet on it after I return from my job, just to quickly move them to my pc desk. That’s why my pc looks so messy. I think this has helped me. In Ecuador my desk used to be filled with books and folders, sometimes without a single corner to place a sheet of paper. I had to be very motivated to move everything just to draw. I can’t afford that here, I return very late and sleepy.
xtreme-makeover-alia-03.png white-day-axl.jpg setup2.jpg rockman-x-dive-layer-reveal.jpg setup.jpg
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