I'm trying to make more group illustrations, but this struck me after watching some Mega Man X8 videos. Lumine is fine, but I was more interested in the coloring process.

The logo was made in Corel Draw.

[url=]Line Art[/url]

Mega Man X (C) CAPCOM.
Keywords: lumine


I'm trying to make more group illustrations, but this struck me after watching some Mega Man X8 videos. Lumine is fine, but I was more interested in the coloring process.

The logo was made in Corel Draw.

Line Art

Mega Man X (C) CAPCOM.
ssearchwall.jpg zeroirist.jpg Lumine.jpg someNumbers.jpg timeTravel2.jpg

Comment 1 to 8 of 8
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RoboNyanya   [Dec 06, 2004 at 06:39 AM]
This looks absolutely fraggin awesome. The beige shading you did on his armor is beeyooteeful, and the lighting is perfectly rendered.
Glitcher   [Dec 06, 2004 at 11:08 AM]
I gotta hand it to you, big guy, this is light years better than your previous two MMX8 pics. You captured the crisp anime feel of the cut-scenes without any of the drab lighting. In fact, the strong brilliance here enhances the look and marks the much cleaner line art this time. A much more succesful attempt overall. Encore! ^_^
Katrover Swatroad   [Dec 06, 2004 at 09:05 PM]
I love this I love this I LOVE THIS AMO HOC!! For the first first time, I'm okay with Lumine being a guy, thanks to the way you drew him!
Hazard   [Dec 07, 2004 at 03:44 PM]
Holy Crap! You're my Artist God! Never thought that prettyboy could be potrayed so......Awesome!
Edda Robo E   [Dec 09, 2004 at 02:38 PM]
Wow... Just wow.. Very good IRA. You drew pretty boy here so serene.. which betrays the engine of destruction that lies beneath. Very good. *pinches Limune's cheek* *hand is missing*
MegaManXfan   [Dec 17, 2004 at 11:31 AM]
omg omg like who is he u drew him so awesome like i want to know more about him!!!!!! Laughing
Yin Lung Huang   [Dec 19, 2004 at 01:04 AM]
Everyone said what they have said....Hmm...Your lineart is simply very crisp since you used that program..I better get it for myself too.
CCurio   [Aug 07, 2005 at 11:00 AM]
Looks awesome to say the least. Amazing work.

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