And finally it is here. Remember to clear your browser cache to force the download of the new version.
In the previous post I have pretty much revealed all the major features of this update. So, here is more information.
Proto Man mode
Time for some 8-bit Proto Man goodness. All the features you expect from him are here. The ridiculous strong shield that rejects all enemy attacks. Also, a slightly improved buster based a bit on the one from Mega Man X4. If you have played with him or seen videos of him there’s not pretty much I can add.
New Bass attack mode

Well, Bass needs a little more explanation. If you are used to playing with Samus or Doom Guy, characters that can switch weapons, that’s exactly how you switch the attack mode while playing with Bass, by pressing (by default) DELETE or NEXT PAGE. As usual, you can set these keys to anything of your liking.
There’s a little purple icon under the energy bar that tells you what mode you’re using.
How do you fire upwards? You hold the SPACE key while shooting. This was a usability concern and I found no other solution but to set a new key for this. The UP key is already used for jumping so it was an awkward decision, but functional in the end. You can set the keys any way you want anyway but all the demo gameplay of my previous video was recorded using the keyboard with the default settings, so I don’t think it will take you too much time to get used to it.
Just as in Mega Man & Bass, you can’t move while shooting. But at least your shots do go through walls.
Yeah, these updates are based on Capcom’s Mega Man 10.
Some other changes
Player-to-environment collision detection has been vastly improved and most bugs and annoyances should be gone. Items fall correctly on floors, platforms react correctly to the wind. It’s a real joy and the actual real deal of this update for me.

For ease of use I’ve altered slightly the form where you change the window resolution and scale. Now these options are separated in two lists. I’ve added 640×480 and 320×320, but as I’ve said in the past you can pretty much try any resolution you want. Of course everything will break in crazy configurations, so I can only realistically support normal and widescreen modes.
All the levels are unlocked. The game has no plot so there’s no point to lock them. You can take a look to any level you want.
Doom Guy starts with all the weapons unlocked.
Samus missile pickups give her more ammo.
Better run animations for Bass, Samus, Mega Man and Fire Man.
A performance change I had to do to save bandwidth was to disable the automatic download of the whole game as a background process. You can turn it on manually on the Advanced tab of the pause menu.
I called this 1.0 beta because I think I’m through the worst part, fixing the collision detection that was terrible in many places.
There were a lot of things left on my to-do list but I had to do a cut somewhere to make this update. Now I can calmly figure out what to tackle next. The big ones of course are new/final levels and bosses/enemies and level editor but I’d rather not state the specif items I will be working on. Last time I ended taking a different direction (this one). All I know this game is my programming playground and I still have many things to experiment with and improve as I go along.
Hey, at least this is not Duke Nukem Forever, you’re actually playing the game as I develop and learn from it.