The moonwalk is off by default. To enable it, got to the Options while playing (Samus only). There’ll be two new switches on the right. One to enable Moonwalk, another one to enable Autofire.

Why Autofire? Well, there’s little point to do the Moonwalk if you can’t autofire, since the move is activated when you hold the Shot key. In Super Metroid, you had autofire on by default, but in order to not break previous player’s game experiences, like spamming missiles, I prefer to make the autofire optional too. You shouldn’t experience any difference in gameplay if you don’t enable any of the new options.
This was going to be a little maintenance update in order to fix many bugs, with the moonwalk move as a small add on. Although small, it took a considerable amount of time to implement.
Now I’ll focus more on the level editor. I have to be realistic, players make better levels than what I’m able to do, so I better provide them with tools to make their job easier. I would love to make an online version of the level editor, but that would take too much time so it is not an option in the short term. I’ll have to stick with the FLA version for a while. The online level editor is not discarded though, just don’t expect it too soon or to have the same richness of the FLA version on its first iterations.
Scorpio just submitted a new level called Factor 1-Towers, using new tracks and enemies that even I haven’t used in the main game. To check the latest game features and experiments, remember to check the Custom Level section regularly.
Update: You can check a video with the new features here:
Have fun! I know I am!