Hello. I bring what the header says and many other little tweaks that I’ve been having on hold since last December.

Well, this is one that I gave a lot of thought after playing Kid Scorpion’s level. They’re really challenging, but also very frustrating to die mid-level after a bad jump. I’ve added checkpoints on some of my longer levels, and hopefully, they won’t be so frustrating anymore.
Bloom effect
I guess many of you have heard the joke about next-gen graphics = bloom. Well, this is more like a tech demo, I put on a test some of the flash filters and managed to get the effect, only for the detriment of the performance of the game, so you’ll get prettier graphics but the game will slow down a lot, at least under my tests. It is disabled by default, but if you want to see it, pause the game, go to the Graphics tab and press the Bloom toggle.
But fear not. I got excellent results playing the game at 256 x 244. It’s small, but the bloom effect didn’t slow down my PC at all.
I’m rather impressed considering this is still Flash 8 and AS2. The promise of better performance sure encourages me to port my engine to AS3 in the future.
Also, Kid Scorpio brings us a new level. Get them at the Custom Maps section.
I forgot to mention this yesterday, but I also updated the Bass Abyss level editor to 1.0.1. It includes the checkpoint tile. Also, a new stage enemy that I’ve been having on hold since December too. I think I’ll go this route, adding enemies to the level editor, so authors can give them use sooner than me considering my little free time.