Last comments - Iragination Illustrations |

Fire Man Lives poster09/23/04 at 09:07IRA: Thanks 

Balandra sleeping09/23/04 at 09:05IRA: Well, maybe in the future 

Delia09/23/04 at 09:03IRA: Heh, this was a very old drawing of her.

Some of Weil Numbers09/23/04 at 09:01IRA: Sí, a mí tampoco me convenció la mano, pero bueno,...

Burnin N00b09/23/04 at 08:57IRA: Oh, well, I can't have enough fun when somebody tr...

Burnin N00b09/23/04 at 04:23Yin Lung Huang: ...Kehehehehe. This is very funny although I don't...

Some of Weil Numbers09/21/04 at 11:26Vegemoon: Hey IRA! El sketch te quedo bacano, pero la mano d...

Fire Man Lives poster09/18/04 at 14:24DavidBurgess: This is great.It goves me some great refernce mate...

Balandra sleeping09/14/04 at 18:44jhr cronos: Nice. You know...i really liked the team Iris-Bala...

Delia09/14/04 at 18:41jhr cronos: Jeje!! What a forehead. Good.
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