Last comments - Iragination Illustrations |

Mirror03/07/05 at 17:39Edda Robo E: Edda:...O_o! Wow..*wolf whistle* I think I'm in lo...

Marian03/07/05 at 17:34Edda Robo E: Wow, she's really cute =D. Im sure Maria Jose will...

The Ambu03/07/05 at 09:50IRA: Ha ha. Anytime time Liline. Took me a while ...

The Ambu03/07/05 at 06:14Liline: aw XD thank you very much Ira.

The Ambu03/07/05 at 04:03IRA: I'd wish there is. 

The Ambu03/07/05 at 02:47Sky: Dang.. How she does that? very cool. Wonder if...

Mirror03/06/05 at 20:31CriminalNerd: WHoah...*blink*

X's helmet on Mega Man Zero03/04/05 at 16:45Drago X: This sorta reminds me of the pokemon "Deoxys&...

X Time Traveler03/04/05 at 16:41Drago X: Hooray, a world controlled my pizza cats... uh, ya...

Bass to the Future03/04/05 at 14:57Drago X: Words can never adapt to what I wanna say, so I'll...

Bass to the Future03/04/05 at 10:26K7: LOL! You got Forte's character down like a a clown...

Bass to the Future03/04/05 at 05:41Edda Robo E: ROFLMAO! Hooray for Bass getted pwned. He's IRA's ...

Bass to the Future03/03/05 at 21:59CriminalNerd: ROFLMAO. This is sooo funny! 
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