Last comments - Guest Fan Art |

Art by Mirrore06/07/05 at 16:43Scyth: very nice ^__^ love the expresion

Art by Glitcher06/07/05 at 11:38Kyle_the_Dark: I just want to pet them all. Well not the du...

Art by Vegemoon06/07/05 at 11:36Kyle_the_Dark: I'm going to come right out and say it. I think El...

Art by Liline06/07/05 at 11:34Kyle_the_Dark: I think she wants to get back at Falcon for cu...

Art by Hirayami06/07/05 at 08:44Kyle_the_Dark: The fire is purrdy. Necro looks like he's havi...

Art by Z. King06/07/05 at 05:39Sky: Im Betting FoR Delia!! Nice Drwing Z King!!! Altho...

Art by Z. King06/06/05 at 19:57jhr cronos: I{m not sure....Balandra seems like a girl who has...

Art by Z. King06/06/05 at 13:27little_rokusho: Thats A Really Nice Drawing By Z. King. Although I...

Art by Liline06/06/05 at 12:34Odda C.: Ditto that. And I can't draw for crap!

Art by Liline06/06/05 at 12:32Odda C.: Okay thats it... I want ONLY Liline to do Delia fr...

Art by Vegemoon06/06/05 at 12:29Odda C.: Maybe Elpizo stood her up...

Art by Protogirl05/24/05 at 09:44Tomboy: Whatever you say Kisa...

Art by Glitcher05/23/05 at 12:49Kisa: That is soooo coooool! 

Art by Z King05/23/05 at 12:07Kisa: Soooo! cuuuuute WHEEEEEEEEEEEEE! 

Art by Protogirl05/23/05 at 12:04Kisa: this page makes me lagh 
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