Last comments - Guest Fan Art |

Art by CarmenMCS02/21/05 at 16:56KublaiKhan: I personally like the shades she has on top of her...

Art by Liline02/21/05 at 06:01legolas: so beautifu this graphisme!! 

Art by Sky02/20/05 at 23:20Hiap: Hey! Not bad! But why is X look like he's teaming ...

Art by Mirrore02/20/05 at 19:23Hazard: I don't think Leika every looked better. 

Art by Liline02/20/05 at 17:42Major GOSM: This picture is of a quality of even above capcom....

Art by CarmenMCS02/20/05 at 17:40Major GOSM: Gotta love Delia.And she looks especially shiny in...

Art by Z King02/20/05 at 17:37Major GOSM: Delia's a maverik hunter!What is Balandra, some wi...

Art by Jaguar2X02/20/05 at 17:35Major GOSM: Yeah, notice the Sigma logo on his chest?

Art by Mirrore02/19/05 at 19:51jhr cronos: Well...she looks pretty. Even...more than IRA{s......

Art by Mirrore02/19/05 at 16:24RogueHunterX: Wow, that's a terrific pic.

Art by Marian02/18/05 at 11:49legolas: can you do a animation?

Art by Cruiser X02/16/05 at 22:08CriminalNerd: Awesome! Wicked! 

Art by Liline02/16/05 at 22:07CriminalNerd: I think I should remove this as my desktop BG. I j...

Art by Mirrore02/16/05 at 18:43Edda Robo E: ^-^ My favorite Tan Kitty..>o>! Mirrore did ...

Art by Jaguar2X02/16/05 at 11:58Jaguar2X: heh, he's just a random maverick...a very badly me...
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