Settling The Last Scores
From left to right:

- Swimsuit Tron
- Swimsuit Ferham
- Swimsuit Ciel
- Swimsuit Roll
- Swimsuit Iris Another*
- Swimsuit Iris
- Swimsuit Layer

As the Mega Man X DiVE online service comes closer to an end, I thought about some plot threads I did not have time to develop further. This image, for example, could be considered a sequel to the little [url=]Valentine 2021 comic[/url] I did for that year. I will let you fill in the story details.

* There is no official Swimsuit Iris Another design. But since I saw some renditions online designed by several artists, I decided I might as well try my own for fun.

Mega Man X DiVE © CAPCOM

[url=]Background assisted by AI[/url]
Keywords: Tron_Bonne ferham ciel roll iris layer

Settling The Last Scores

From left to right:

- Swimsuit Tron
- Swimsuit Ferham
- Swimsuit Ciel
- Swimsuit Roll
- Swimsuit Iris Another*
- Swimsuit Iris
- Swimsuit Layer

As the Mega Man X DiVE online service comes closer to an end, I thought about some plot threads I did not have time to develop further. This image, for example, could be considered a sequel to the little Valentine 2021 comic I did for that year. I will let you fill in the story details.

* There is no official Swimsuit Iris Another design. But since I saw some renditions online designed by several artists, I decided I might as well try my own for fun.

Mega Man X DiVE © CAPCOM

Background assisted by AI
cheeky-christmas-leviathan.jpg modelnecro.jpg settling-the-last-scores.jpg call_c.png Burning-Bride-of-June-Aftermath.jpg
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