Shagaru Armor X vs Gore Magala iCO
This is an image that I had been working on for way too long, so I had to settle with this to complete it. Luckily, there were no new Rockman X DiVE characters this week. Otherwise, I would have shelved this and moved on to the new content.

For those who are not familiar with this, on the left, there is [url=]Shagaru Armor X[/url], and on the right [url=]Gore Magala iCO[/url]. They were released as playable characters for a recent [b]ROCKMAN X DiVE[/b] collaboration with [b]Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak[/b].

I have no idea about the [b]Monster Hunter[/b] series, but at least the writing staff returned, and the event had some funny dialogue. Essentially, by the end, they were so excited about their powers that they were teasing each other to test their strength, Dragon Ball Z style.

An interesting development during this event is that apparently, the main cast (X, Zero and Iris) are the actual characters from the Mega Man X series, not Hunter Programs, who travel to the Deep Log from their real universe. When they return, they forget everything that happened. I am not sure what this means for the apparently sentient Hunter Program characters like Axl early in the game. I’d rather not read much into it.

The background image was taken from the game stage with some minor modifications.

Mega Man X DiVE © CAPCOM
Keywords: x ico

Shagaru Armor X vs Gore Magala iCO

This is an image that I had been working on for way too long, so I had to settle with this to complete it. Luckily, there were no new Rockman X DiVE characters this week. Otherwise, I would have shelved this and moved on to the new content.

For those who are not familiar with this, on the left, there is Shagaru Armor X, and on the right Gore Magala iCO. They were released as playable characters for a recent ROCKMAN X DiVE collaboration with Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak.

I have no idea about the Monster Hunter series, but at least the writing staff returned, and the event had some funny dialogue. Essentially, by the end, they were so excited about their powers that they were teasing each other to test their strength, Dragon Ball Z style.

An interesting development during this event is that apparently, the main cast (X, Zero and Iris) are the actual characters from the Mega Man X series, not Hunter Programs, who travel to the Deep Log from their real universe. When they return, they forget everything that happened. I am not sure what this means for the apparently sentient Hunter Program characters like Axl early in the game. I’d rather not read much into it.

The background image was taken from the game stage with some minor modifications.

Mega Man X DiVE © CAPCOM
festive-leviathan.jpg metroid-dread-distracted-hunter.jpg shagaru-armor-x-vs-gore-magala-ico.jpg gate-and-alia-how-things-went-down.jpg dashing-christmas-leviathan.jpg
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