Iris sketches
I posted this photo originally on Twitter because it is just so easy to take a picture, do a quick crop, and post it online. 

Fortunately, I was able to complete the [url=]full-color[/url] composition I had planned to do with these illustrations afterward. All sorts of things can happen in between, and December is a very busy month.
Keywords: iris

Iris sketches

I posted this photo originally on Twitter because it is just so easy to take a picture, do a quick crop, and post it online.

Fortunately, I was able to complete the full-color composition I had planned to do with these illustrations afterward. All sorts of things can happen in between, and December is a very busy month.
rockman-x-dive-iris-summer-swimsuit-sketch-02.jpg iris-college-swimsuit-inked-sketches.jpg nana-redraw-colored.jpg swimsuit-tron-treasure-hunter.jpg super-swimsuit-alia.jpg
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